Ingredients :
500g Okra
50g chopped Onions
20g chopped Tomatoes
1tbsp Curry powder
1tsp chopped Ginger
1tsp chopped Garlic
oil for fry and kook
tbsp Chilli powder
Salt taste
2tbsp soya sauce
3cup coconut milk
ten curry leaves
1tsp turmeric powder

Directions :
sliced okra to 1/2cm peaces and Spread turmeric and salt, than put it about 15 minute.than fry to golden brown color.
than heat 3 tbsp oil and add ginger, garlic, onion,tomato, curry leaves, turmeric powder, soya sauce, Salt, Curry powder, and chilli powder. after 2 minute add coconut milk and mix well and kook for 10 minute finally add fried okra and kook about 5 minute.    
