480 ml (2 cups) white long grain Rice180 ml (3/4 cup) Thick Coconut milk
1 Tbsp Cooked white Rice
1 tsp dry Yeast
1/2 tsp Sugar
2 Tbsp lukewarm water
240-480 ml (1-2 cups) Thin Coconut milk
Soak rice in water overnight (or until soft).Add yeast and sugar into lukewarm water and set aside.
Drain water from cooked rice.
Blend the soaked rice, milk and cooked rice in a blender until thick and creamy (The consistency should be that of thick cream).
Transfer into a bowl and add the foamy yeast mixture. Mix well.
Close and leave in a warm place for at least 6 hrs.
Add thin warm coconut to the thick batter while stirring (The consistency of the batter should be similar to pan-cake batter).
Add salt to taste.
Pour spoonfuls into heated, greased hopper-pan.
Make sure that the inside of the pan is well covered with the batter.
Close with lid and cook until done.
To make egg hoppers, cover the inside of the pan with the batter by swirling it (same as before) and then crack-drop an egg to the center, close with lid and cook until done.
Add Pepper & salt powder on top.
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